Jul 15Liked by Bill Southern

Discogs categorizes the Cubs album as "non-music," but I think that's a little harsh. It's actually a pretty fascinating sociological artifact and the time on the record devoted to the chants and songs from the Bleacher Bums and the sounds of the crowd are a treasure. It is far, far more compelling than the '69 Mets album which I suspect was recorded at gunpoint. You can listen to the whole Cub Power album here:


For someone who was too late for the '69 party/funeral, thank you, Bill, for keeping its stories alive!

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I am with you on all your memories. I would add the following. The moments of silence when Jack Brickhouse had nothing to say and you could here the teletype machines clacking in the background, and then Brickhouse would interject "Ball One," and then fall silent again. The other personal memory is that I would sit on the couch watching the game with my younger brother Andy who would carefully pick off all the ticks on the dog!

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And the Hamms beer ads. “from the land of sky blue waters”

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Yeah, I remember that well - I included a YouTube link to one of those commercials, as well as an Empire spot (588-2300), but I didn’t include Danley’s Garage World or Victory Auto Wreckers - remember the commercial where the kid opens the car door and it falls off? “That old car is worth money.” Classic WGN stuff.

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Yes! I remember the teletype machines, particularly in the late innings, as the shadows were creeping across the third base line.

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Hey Bill, I was in Wrigley Field in 1961. My Dad was a huge baseball fan. We drove to Toronto from Western Canada and then went to Chicago and Milwaukee to see the Cubs play one day and the Brewers the next. Toronto didn't have a team in those days. I saw several of the big Hall of Famers play, but I don't remember all their names. I sure learned how to throw a mean fastball after that summer. :) I enjoyed your posting.

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Jul 14Liked by Bill Southern

Delayed gratification.

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Yeah, yeah, yeah - 2016 finally exorcised the demons. But, like most longtime, long-suffering Cubs fans, I’m more comfortable identifying with them being the lovable losers.

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Jul 14Liked by Bill Southern


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Jul 13Liked by Bill Southern

not a Cubs fan so too long to read

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So, I don’t need to include you in the joint counseling sessions I have planned?

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