Jun 5, 2022Liked by Bill Southern

Honestly, Bill (see what I did there to promulgate your theme?) I want to thank you for sharing the Tramo story which is one I had not heard (and there are many, as you know). One of my fav stories involving our mutual friend...we were seated in a mandatory 'training' session about succession planning and the young lady brought in from the 'outside' to wisen us wiseacres up was recommending that all managers delegate more to their staff and learn to trust they would get the job done. Tramo, in an exemplary stage whisper/shout, leans over to me and says 'I wouldn't trust them to walk my (insert colorful language here) dog!' The trainer and I both blushed but Tramo was just being, in a word, honest!

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Jun 5, 2022·edited Jun 5, 2022Author

Tramo was truly one-of-kind - I chose this theme (honestly) because I wanted to share that story.

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Jun 4, 2022Liked by Bill Southern

I have a different view of the Red Box and the Honor System. After an extensive 15 second review of the photo it does not appear the box is attached to the bed of the tractor thus proving the Honor System is alive, well and going strong.

On my honor.


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Astute observation, Mike - my only regret with this piece is not including the “Your honor, your Honor” meme from Caddyshack, serving Rule No. 3.

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