Jun 25, 2022Liked by Bill Southern

Good one Bill, this brings back memories. At our house there were ashtrays scattered around the house, these were normal sized, fitting for two smokers. We also had a massive @12-14” square ashtray, similarly pictured in the attached link, that was kept under the bar and brought out for large gatherings. The depth of this tray was @2” below the rim at the center. The morning after always amazed me as the mound of butts would be 4 or five inches above the rim. This mass of an untold number of butts decided gravity.

On a side note. The Fred Hill drill team was lovely. In Topeka, Fred Hill ran a mens shop where most business men went for suits. We, over time, even got to go for a wardrobe freshen up occasionally. His customers would leave his shop looking much like the team in the video. Hmmm


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That is indeed an impressive receptacle. . .

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…. Defied gravity ….. typing without ones glasses allows for some of spellchecks suggestions to go unnoticed.

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