Sep 20, 2023Liked by Bill Southern

Bill, way to mix it up.

I ask the ROT editorial board if Columnette the correct label ? Columnette or Colonnette?

A colonnette is a small slender column. usually decorative.

The term columnette has also been used to refer to thin columns.

I guess it depends on whether you want to “small and slender” or “thin”.

The -ette suffix, from French language, is a diminutive, which can also have a condescending connotation: in our case, it shifts the meaning from column to small column or fake columns.

Clearly your columnette is not fake as Turkeys, Trains and Chicago are all real items

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As I’m sure you can appreciate, “small and slender” and “thin” have not generally been used to describe me. I appreciate your insight - the feedback on “Columnette” thus far has not been positive. I’ll have to revisit that decision.

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