Netflix & Chill'd can't be more fun than Netflix & Chill, can it?

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Well, it’s got one more letter, and a punctuation mark, so. . .

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I once worked for a restaurant (loooong time ago, outside of Philly) that made their own ice cream. Every now and then I thought to ask to take a tour of the factory, but I didn't. Because I was an idiot. I coulda been an ice creamer, a contenda...

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Ah, the ice cream game is not for the faint of heart - ya’ gotta’ keep innovating - mixing in whatever is on hand: chocolate, caramel or pickles.

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Little aggrieved that ice cream favors appear to endorse specific products and shows (i.e. NetFlix, talk show hosts) and it makes me wonder if money changed hands. Ben and Jerry is a wholly owned subsidiary of the behemoth company Unilever, which also give me pause.

However, what the hell. Given their environmental consciousness and origin in Vermont, I would suggest that they rename the flavor, "Lights Carmella Action," to Lights, Camalla, Action.

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Liza: Yeah, I think Ben & Jerry’s sold their soul for $$ - remember the old Bartles & Jaymes wine cooler commercials, in which a couple of guys pretended to be small-town yokels - the company was in fact owned by one of the big wine distributors. I like your naming suggestion - I’ll look for it on store shelves soon.

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The verdict is out for me. I can't decide what flavor I want. Whatever I decide, it needs to have tons of chocolate in it.

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Lois: You might want to try Chocolate Therapy - it seems as if it brings the full-on chocolate solution. . .


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Jul 27Liked by Bill Southern

I can go without ice cream ten months out of the year, July and August are just different. I may have some for breakfast.

You wrote ….. monkeys are more likely to push back against insulting tropes than aggrieved husbands.….. Monkeys would be a great topic for a column, as previously committed.

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Might I suggest Ben & Jerry’s oatmeal cookie based ice cream - breakfast is the most important meal of the day, you know. Yeah, the monkey column is wending its way toward publication - Rule of Three’s legal team is combatting some unexpected issues - hopefully, over the goal-line soon.

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Jul 27Liked by Bill Southern

We’ve been to the graveyard, factory!

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That’s a graveyard worth visiting. . .particularly if the provided free samples.

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