Believe it or not, I have heard about several of these "jobs". In West Texas, there is an annual Rattle Snake Milking Competition, and the person who milks the most snakes wins the competition. This is how the anti-venom is replenished.

There are a LOT of golf balls in that slimy gator- infested water. That is one very motivated person who dives in there to make a buck!

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Yeah, I’ll probably stick with the nine-to-five job.

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Intriguing list - few comments. Have a cousin who employed a dog psychologist, but since it was COVID all the sessions were conducted on Zoom! Regarding dog food, some "gourmet" dog food state that they are made of human grade food, which means that theoretically the food is fit for human consumption. (The ads show the food on china plates with a spring of rosemary garnish) So I bought a can but when poured into a bowl it didn't look anything like the picture. I needed a pet psychologist to get over my bias against eating dogfood. I only managed to gag down a dispirited pea bobbing on the surface of a grey swill and one small cube of mystery meet!

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Liza, in the spirit of true investigative reporting, you immersed yourself in chasing the truth - as an admittedly lazy scribe, I salute your doggedness.

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Long ago, there was a show on - I think - the Nature Channel, called “Meerkat Manor.” A reality show about the lives and loves of adorable rodents. My cat was fascinated. I don’t know if she thought the meerkats were cats. She’d try desperately to get inside the TV.

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When I was a kid, our annual summer vacation always included a visit to the Ranch Store, in the Badlands adjacent to the Black Hills of South Dakota. Among its many attractions were daily rattlesnake milkings. I think there was an extra charge for these. We wouldn’t have been allowed to see them anyway, became my mother considered them - unreasonably, in my opinion - “disgusting.” We loved the free prairie dog colony exhibit more, and the “six-ton” concrete prairie dog statue was the backdrop of many family snapshots. It wasn’t until recently that we learned that prairie dogs are well known carriers of rabies. Rattlesnakes exist to cull their population. Too bad. Prairie dogs are adorable.

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Prairie dogs are cool. So are meerkats - I proudly display a picture of a meerkat on my desk, which I took years ago at the Lincoln Park Zoo in Chicago. I would definitely pose my family for a picture in front of a massive meerkat statue.

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