
Melvin: Right you are, but we were all in good company, in believing the Baby Ruth bar was tied to Babe Ruth, because Reggie Jackson believed the same thing, which informed his insistence that someone develop and market a candy bar in his name: hence, the extremely-short-lived, and ill-fated “Reggie” bar.

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Ah, the Reggie bar. Never had one. Guess I never will. Sounds like he was pretty impressed with himself.

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I, like Nora Ephron,remember nothing. Good post , not too long. I like this length for your writing and concept

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Thanks, Gail - my mantra has always been, “Why use three words, when 25 will do,” but perhaps that’s wrongheaded.

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three always better if possible

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Nov 11, 2023Liked by Bill Southern

I vehemently disagree with this post’s premise. I remember JFK as a erudite wit, compelling orator and brave war hero/politician. DaVinci is well known for his genius paintings, inventions and study of nature. Jefferson’s brilliant authorship of The Declaration of Independence is honored as is his architecture, founding of the great University of Virginia, and agricultural innovations. Franklin’s publishing rests easily beside his statesmanship representing the US in France and his scientific experiments. MLK Jr was a great orator, pacifist, preacher. All these and many more a remembered for at least 3 of their inimical contributions to this world. As for me, i loved the idea of the Renaissance Man, recalled by some for my business contributions, others for my athletic accomplishments and (my most fervently desired legacy) a good father and grandfather by my family.

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You make a compelling argument. Perhaps it’s just me who cannot remember more than one thing about a person.

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Nov 13, 2023Liked by Bill Southern

Bill, great colonnette.

Remembering topics in theirs is the lifeblood of this award winning column and colonnette.

The following link highlights 15 types of monkeys , which could be solid material for five upcoming colonnettes. https://earthnworld.com/types-of-monkeys/ .

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I don’t know, Mike - my sense is that each of these fifteen monkeys deserves a column himself, and (insert video here of a guy continuously pulling the crank on an old-fashioned adding machine), that will require a team of researchers, we’ll have to hire a dozen additional editors, photographers to properly showcase the subjects, and a dedicated marketing team to effectively promote the series. I’m not sure Rule of Three is adequately-positioned to take on this project. Not without a fresh round of Series B funding.

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I think I knew that. But still, some associations formed in childhood are difficult to eradicate. What did I know of baseball, back then? Or Grover Cleveland and his relatives? Too many degrees of separation. I’m sticking (no pun intended) with my answer.😊

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Have to disagree with you re: Babe Ruth. To me his legacy is a candy bar, Baby Ruth. They, along with Butterfingers, were the ones I always received in excess at Halloween. They were the candy bars I disliked so intensely that I brought them all to school the next day to be distributed to the kids in hospitals. I hope it didn’t delay their recovery.

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I’m with you, Mary - Butterfingers and Baby Ruth bars were not on my Top Ten list.

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I always connected him to the candy bar too. But after reading Bill's column, I googled Baby Ruth and learned that it was named after Ruth Cleveland, daughter of President Grover Cleveland, who was known as Baby Ruth or Babe Ruth. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baby_Ruth

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